Features & Function
Rewarding you are just aren't just redeeming great gifts on every points collected. Wide range of rewards selection at our stores, estore now featuring in our APP to make sure our rewards are unique, fun and different.
You're the person that will decide on the rewards selection. Besides, you can also share the benefits of good health with your family and loved ones with recommended products selection feature in the vouchers.
on all Eu Yan Sang normal
merchandise products.
Enjoy discount up to 30% off on
your birthday month.
on all Eu Yan Sang online
eStore products.
Every RM1 spent equal
to 1 point.
At The Zun Kitchenette,
The Zun Express.
At Health Cité TCM Clinics
(on prescription medicine only).
On Eu Yan Sang member’s day.
Enjoy Eu Yan Sang seminar and
campaign activities..
On new product arrival and
product information.
Enjoy member privilege and share the benefits of good health with your loved ones.
Sign Up Full Membership T&C